Friday, 5 July 2013

Beauty for Denis Dutton

Everybody likes american jazz?
Everyone in this world likes western bodies, white, tall and thin?
 Denis Dutton begins his thoery of beauty with, in my opinion, a wrong argument: there is something universal and comun in every human experiences of beauty. 
when he introduces his theory he takes a small and arbitrarily different artistic representations, saying things like: "the Japanese are fascinated by beethoven". I think he start with a big problem because he just see a few things and  he is not exhaustive when he refers of what he is talking about, not even referred to another theory or author as a support.
 I think there are many local things typical of a specific places for example women who are adorned with rings on the neck or the men and women who are perforated parts of the face or the body, or cultures where beauty is in the carnal body in healthy bodies who eat well. That's what comes to my head right now. I don't see a clear connection in all of these topics.
 I really think Dutton is a "pinche gringo cabrón". He thinks natural selection of Darwin theory guarantees the experience of beauty with natural context and the other men on earth and I think: That is SO NAZI!


  1. wajajajajaja "pinche gringo cabrón". Well,I think you're right that's great definition for denis dutton. If we think, he didn't have any kind of solid argument to support his theory,pretty easy to crumble.

  2. I so agree!!!!

    ps: I was listening to this song when I read "Everybody likes american jazz?"
